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Out Of the Shadows

Af Ed Hunter d. 10-11-2006
Som Bruce sagde i går aftes: "This is a son g about what you can do now. Not what you can do tomorrow - Not what you could have done yesterday, but what you can do right now. Bceoaus now is the only moment you surely now you're alive...."

Af Thommy d. 15-11-2006
Ja, sangen handler om fødsel og den skæbne der hviler på et barn (eller et menneske generelt) så snart det er født. Nemlig at det skal dø.

Af ??? d. 11-07-2008
Se dvd'en der medfører til limited edition. Bruce D. siger: "Really this song is about birth. It's about that moment you pop out, you don't know what's gonna happen to you, but from that moment you're king for a day". Ikke helt ordret, men det var hvad han sagde.

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